
Bob Johns


Bob Johns is a contributing writer focusing on the retail, hospitality, and food industries


  • Omni-Channel — All About What The Customer Wants

    This year’s Retail Tech Spending Survey highlights the focus on the customer’s desire to have access to the “endless aisle.”

  • Are You Celebrating A Thanksgiving Black Friday?

    Here we go again. The holidays are fast approaching, and retailers are already “leaking” their Black Friday plans. Last week, our chief editor, Matt Pillar, discussed Kmarts plans to stay open 41 hours straight from 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Kmart is not alone in this trend of Thanksgiving Creep.

  • Maximizing Technology Investments In Retail

    Technology is changing extremely rapidly, and for the first time in a long time, retailers are becoming early adopters. Here we talk with Chad Mead to discuss how retailers can maximize their budgets and stay ahead of the technology curve.

  • Maximizing Technology Investments In Retail - Podcast

    Technology is changing extremely rapidly, and for the first time in a long time, retailers are becoming early adopters. Here we talk with Chad Mead to discuss how retailers can maximize their budgets and stay ahead of the technology curve.

  • Maximizing Technology Investments In Retail - Transcript

    Technology is changing extremely rapidly, and for the first time in a long time, retailers are becoming early adopters. Here we talk with Chad Mead to discuss how retailers can maximize their budgets and stay ahead of the technology curve.

  • Personalization Drives Interaction

    Personalized offers drive savings for consumers and sales for merchants.

  • Walgreens' Store Of The Future Impresses At RAMP

    Well, RAMP V has come and gone. It was important to keep the show going despite the loss of its founder and driving force, Melissa Morrissey. Her loss was evident throughout the conference, but everyone pushed on in her memory.

  • Mobility Will Drive The Miami Dolphins' Customer Experience

    The NFL live experience is challenged by the increasing quality of the at-home experience. Still, there is nothing like attending an NFL game live, and the Miami Dolphins aim to make the experience in their stadium the best it can be. Put in charge of the fan experience from a technology standpoint is Tery Howard, SVP and CTO with the club. Here we will discuss how mobility and loyalty tie in with the fan experience now and into the future.

  • Moving Beyond Mobile POS To Mobile Engagement

    Mobile POS is getting a lot of publicity lately with deployments by Urban Outfitters, JC Penney, and Home Depot to mention a few. I recently had the chance to discuss the evolving POS with Gary Price, director of sales, Retail Solutions Division, NEC Corporation of America.

  • Panera Bread's LP Approach — Eliminate Temptation And Opportunity

    We have seen the role of the loss prevention (LP) professional change from one of “company police” to an integral part of a successful business. I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jeff Levitt, LPC, CPP, asset protection with Panera Bread, to discuss how he is handling the evolving role of LP professional.