Magazine Article | August 21, 2012

Cash Management Solutions

Source: Innovative Retail Technologies

Modern cash management solutions enhance security, reduce shrink, and deliver process efficiencies.

Cash-flow management is one of the store manager’s major responsibilities. However, manual cash handling is laborintensive for both managers and associates. This translates into increased labor costs and higher error and shrink risks for the retailer. Efficiency, accuracy, and accountability need to be considered when researching integrated cash management solutions. Today’s cash management solutions help retailers deter both internal and external theft while maintaining a high level of control and accuracy. Take a look at a few of the modern cash management solutions that could meet your needs.

Corporate Safe Specialists — FireKing Security Group

Enable closed-loop cash management processes, improving staff productivity and maximizing cash flow while minimizing the risk of armed robbery, burglary, and internal theft.


The MEI BNR is a closed loop cash management note recycler, designed specifically to fit the needs of retailers through MEI’s proven value proposition.

JetScan iFX i100 Currency & Check Processor With Deposit Balancing Manager Software

Process checks and cash on a single device with industryleading speed and accuracy. DBM software prepares deposits and sends checks electronically to streamline operations.

Sentinel BCD-R Cash Management System

Sentinel BCD-R Cash Management System eliminates ever counting cash. Automate filling till drawers, making change, and closing till drawers out at end-of-shift, and eliminate the bookkeeper FTE.

Kaba Mas LLC

Biometrics offers the only truly accurate knowledge of who has access to cash. A product like LA GARD’s SmartPoint Safe access control with biometrics and large audit trails offers the best security.


CCi validates, counts, and securely stores bills at the POS. Compact in size and with flexible communications, CCi is already installed in more than 5,000 retail locations.