Vendor Insights
Customer Centricity In The New Retail Landscape
It’s more important than ever to be customer-centric, because competitors reach customers across channels with increasing velocity. Successful companies use data to maintain a very sharp focus on enhancing their value proposition. Location data is critical to understanding customers and adding value to their retail experiences.
Confused About Blockchain And Cryptocurrency? Read On.
Blockchain and cryptocurrency: the beloved buzzwords of the technology world. Due to their radical potential, these emerging technologies have been shrouded in doubt and confusion. Yet, even as awareness and adoption have steadily grown in recent years, many experts venture to call this silent revolution the fastest growing digital technology since the internet.
Revolutionizing Retail: Expert Dana Telsey Shares Latest Trends
For all the colossal change the retail industry has undergone in recent years, the retail revolution is only getting started, according to Dana Telsey, CEO and Chief Research Officer at Telsey Advisory Group (TAG). Thanks to changing consumer behavior and the new ways of purchasing, retail sales are continuing to grow, Telsey said at recent Grow Live events in New York and Los Angeles. With consumer confidence at a high, brands and retailers need to give consumers a reason to spend.
How To Ensure You Don't Lose To Amazon
For many businesses, a core determining factor in their future is the answer to one simple question: Is Amazon a friend or foe?
The Five Trends Transforming The Future Of Retail
Yesterday’s amazing is today’s expected. That’s a vital point retailers need to understand according to Dana Telsey, CEO and Chief Research Officer at Telsey Advisory Group. Telsey provided an overview of the evolving retail landscape during NetSuite’s recent webinar, Revolutionizing Retail, as well as the key trends hitting the industry and the five top things what will transform the future of retail.
In Retail, It's All About Change
Looking at the retail market and IT ecosystem supporting it, 2017 was a year of dramatic change as the trend toward online shopping gained even more momentum.
GDPR And Retail: How To Secure And Manage Data, Implement Infrastructure, And More
The number of cyber-security breaches in the past few years has made much of the global population far more aware of the problems of data protection security and often the lack of its complete effectiveness. TAs a result, the European Commission announced an agreement to finalize General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will take affect this May. The primary objective of the GDPR is to give citizens back control of their personal data. Once GDPR takes effect it will harmonize previous and other data protection regulations throughout the EU. The Retail Solutions network spoke with Dr. Alfred Rolington, GDPR Advisory Board senior cyber security academic and Piers Clayden, legal expert on the GDPR Advisory Board and founder of Clayden Law, about this regulation and what impact it will have on retail.
Why Distributors Need To Incorporate eCommerce And Mobile Into The Sales Process
As retailers move, almost en masse, to implement omnichannel functionality (e.g., ship to home/return to store, online order/in-store pickup, anytime/anywhere access to inventory) in an effort to effectively meet the rising demands of customers, the movement has significant implications for distributors.
Time To Dispel Some Common Myths About Disruptive Retailers
We know the rest of the retail industry chases disruptors, but wanted to understand what exactly they are chasing. What makes for a retail disruptor? This week, we’ll focus on what they are not by dispelling the seven myths about retail disruptors. Frankly, we were surprised by what we found.
For Merchants, The Future Of Payments Is Everywhere
As e-commerce continues to grow, there’s one thing that’s clear for brick-and-mortar retailers: consumers are no longer obligated to venture out to physical stores every time they want something.