Retail IT White Papers
Protect Yourself: 8 Security Best Practices For Retailers
The retail industry is a favorite target of cyber attackers. Hackers know a successful attack on a retailer can give them access to the data of thousands or even millions of payment cardholders. Cyber criminals can sell that data for a tidy profit to other criminals on the dark web who use it for fraud, identity theft, and phishing attacks. Cyber crime is big business; it’s projected to cause damages of $6 trillion by 2021 on organizations of all types and sizes.
Retail Cash Loss:Â Addressing The Problem With Intelligent Technology
Any business that accepts cash for transactions has come to expect that some percentage of it will vanish as a result of fraud, administrative errors and employee misdeeds. Inventory shrink, which includes cash loss, costs retailers an estimated $47 billion annually. It is so prevalent that retailers have a line item for it in their P&L statement.
Integrated Planning & Inventory Management Special Report
For retailers, it is imperative to take a customer-centric viewpoint on the business. Current disparate systems, processes and organization must be transformed into one cohesive environment with the ability to offer customers a seamless shopping environment across all channels and the capability to deliver merchandise immediately – wherever it is needed. It is time to prepare for the future of retail – it is here – whether we are ready or not.
Integrated Planning: Getting It Right – A Boston Retail Partners Report
We are in the midst of a retail transformation. Consumer behavior and mobile technology have dramatically changed the traditional retail model and it’s not over yet. As upstart online retailers mature, their desire to connect to their customers in a more personal manner is evolving. However, the old adage of right product, right place, and right time is truer now than ever before. As a result, retailers are gathering more data that is being leveraged by financial plans, demand plans, assortment plans, and store plans. The importance of a fully integrated planning solution to analyze and utilize this data is key to ensuring retailers remain competitive in this rapidly changing landscape. An integrated planning solution eliminates silos, leverages the same data, streamlines decisions, and builds consensus.
The New Retail Mandate: 2018 Shopper Vision Study
The landscape of retail is constantly transforming, and a shift from transactional to service-driven, personalized experiences is emerging. Our 10th annual shopper vision study surveyed thousands of consumers throughout North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East to discover that tech-savvy consumers are demanding a higher level of retail service, convenience and curation. We ask the questions that really matter to find out what shoppers really want, so you can get the insight you need to be their preferred retailer, both in-store and online.
Making The Move To A Tablet Point Of Sale Solution - A Research Guide To Choosing The Right Mobile POS
Over the past few years, improvements in mobile devices, Wi-Fi, and cloud computing have made mobile point of sale (POS) solutions effective and affordable for businesses of all sizes. Tablets have emerged as the most popular platform for mobile POS solutions, and you may have already heard the buzz about them. There’s a reason for all the hullaballoo. In addition to integrating payments and making retail transactions more effcient than using a traditional electronic cash register (ECR), tablet POS solutions can provide robust management data.
Perfecting The Customer Journey - A Guide To Making Your Restaurant A Destination Worth Revisiting
Competition is growing fierce for restaurants — and not all of it comes from other local dining establishments. With grocery stores and meal kit services offering additional convenient and affordable dining options for customers to choose from, and with many restaurants turning to faster and smarter automation methods to power their operations, now is the time for your restaurant to step up its game.
Adopting Omnichannel In Your Business - Enhancing Experience And Achieving Operational Excellence
Consumers worldwide continue to adopt and use technology in their shopping experience. Faced with rising customer expectations and increasing competitive pressures, retailers now are prioritizing in-store innovation. Many retailers have adopted multichannel implementations, in which mobile, web, and in-store shopping are enabled but not delivered consistently to the customer.
Line Busting As A Mobile Transaction And Service Industry - A Guide For Consumer Industries
The potential of mobile technologies to transform the transaction experience has been discussed regularly over the past decade. The transformation first promised a decade ago always depended on significant advancements in both consumer and business transaction technologies. The consumerization of smartphones, which began in 2007, introduced what would become the key enabling technology on the consumer side. This marked the beginning of robust growth and continuous advancements in consumer mobile technologies.
Retail Merchandise Planning Imperatives
Retail is not dead, but the traditional retail model is.