Vendor Insights
The Role Of Cash In The Future Monetary Landscape
What will the monetary landscape look like in 2050? Will cash still be relevant? How will we store and measure value? The cash community needs to take a leadership role in designing a relevant and effective role for cash in the future.
How To Recession-Proof Your Business In 5 Steps
Whether you need to build cash reserves and secure financing, leverage more technology, control operating expenses, or simply minimize losses, the plans you make now will help you navigate any challenges ahead.
Report: Cash Still Matters In The UK
While cash use in the U.K. further declined during the COVID-19 pandemic, the RSA warns that a sudden shift to cashless would hurt older and vulnerable segments of society.
Where's Our Industry Heading? Follow The Distributors
Jim Roddy, President & CEO at the RSPA, discusses his prediction for the future of UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) and EVCaaS (Electric Vehicle Charging Stations as a Service).
From Inspire 2023: Want Exponential Growth? Grab Your Partner, Do-Si-Do
Jim Roddy, President & CEO at the RSPA, provides some insights and takeaways stemming from Insight 2023, the RSPA's annual leadership conference.
RSPA Today: Your Place For Partnerships
In addition to hosting the Inspire conference, the RSPA is doing a number of things to help you accelerate your success through partnerships.
Redefining Cash? It's More Than Bills And Coins
The word “cash” brings to mind bank notes and coins. However, even at the point of sale, the meaning of cash is being redefined.
Things To Keep In Mind When Setting Up An Online Marketplace
Setting up a business that allows people to trade services and goods always comes with a few strings attached. It’s a complicated business field that requires a lot of attention if you want to avoid running into some of the most common problems. Most of these issues boil down to working with the right experts to keep your company covered on all fronts. But, of course, doing your due diligence will always be important just as well.
How Retailers Can Protect Themselves Against Continued Uncertainty
Many retailers are facing uncertainty due to the pandemic, lockdowns, and subsequent economic decline in recent times. It can be a scary time for many retailers, and many want to do everything they can to avoid having to close their doors. Below we have listed some of the ways in which retailers can help protect themselves against the uncertainty in today’s climate. Keep reading if you’d like to learn more.
New Year, New Name: Why apgĀ® Chose To Rebrand
The coming New Year will be rife with change including a new name for one long-standing point of sale company. Effective January 2022, APG Cash Drawer will officially drop “Cash Drawer” from its name and introduce a new tagline to become, apg® – trust at every point.